▼ include | |
▼ osurs | |
▼ ds | |
arraylist.h | Arraylist data structure |
hashmap.h | Hashmap data structure |
linkedlist.h | Linkedlist data structure |
priority.h | Adaptable priority queue data structure |
queue.h | Queue data structure |
stack.h | Stack data structure |
ds.h | Data structures for efficient data handling |
io.h | Input and output of networks and its structures |
network.h | Network for reservation optimization |
olal.h | Optimize logic abstraction layer |
optimize.h | Optimization of space utilization on routs |
reserve.h | Connection routing, checking seat availability and reservation |
types.h | Data types of osurs |
▼ src | |
▼ ds | |
arraylist.c | Arraylist data structure |
hashmap.c | Hashmap data structure |
linkedlist.c | Linkedlist data structure |
priority.c | Adaptable priority queue data structure |
queue.c | Queue data structure |
stack.c | Stack data structure |
▼ io | |
export.c | Export network to a file |
import.c | Import a network file |
matsim.c | Import a MATSim transit schedule from XML |
print.c | Input and output of networks and its structures |
utils.c | IO helper and utils methods |
utils.h | IO helper and utils methods |
▼ network | |
constructor.c | Network construction |
destructor.c | Network destruction |
getter.c | Access network structures |
▼ olal | |
olal.c | Optimization logic abstraction layer |
▼ optimize | |
optimize.c | Seat reservation optimization |
▼ reserve | |
connection.c | Routing connections between nodes on the network without transfers |
reservation.c | Placing reservations for found connections |
uuid.h | Generating UUIDs |
cli.c | Command line interface for converting transit schedules and printing networks |
lib.c | The osurs library |