osurs  0.0.1
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 arraylist.hArraylist data structure
 hashmap.hHashmap data structure
 linkedlist.hLinkedlist data structure
 priority.hAdaptable priority queue data structure
 queue.hQueue data structure
 stack.hStack data structure
 ds.hData structures for efficient data handling
 io.hInput and output of networks and its structures
 network.hNetwork for reservation optimization
 olal.hOptimize logic abstraction layer
 optimize.hOptimization of space utilization on routs
 reserve.hConnection routing, checking seat availability and reservation
 types.hData types of osurs
 arraylist.cArraylist data structure
 hashmap.cHashmap data structure
 linkedlist.cLinkedlist data structure
 priority.cAdaptable priority queue data structure
 queue.cQueue data structure
 stack.cStack data structure
 export.cExport network to a file
 import.cImport a network file
 matsim.cImport a MATSim transit schedule from XML
 print.cInput and output of networks and its structures
 utils.cIO helper and utils methods
 utils.hIO helper and utils methods
 constructor.cNetwork construction
 destructor.cNetwork destruction
 getter.cAccess network structures
 olal.cOptimization logic abstraction layer
 optimize.cSeat reservation optimization
 connection.cRouting connections between nodes on the network without transfers
 reservation.cPlacing reservations for found connections
 uuid.hGenerating UUIDs
 cli.cCommand line interface for converting transit schedules and printing networks
 lib.cThe osurs library